Do You Need To Find Out If Your Spouse Is Being Unfaithful?
Are you sick of putting up with lies, yet uncertain on what to do?
If your partner is in fact cheating on you and you want solid evidence right now, then you have to hear everything I’m going to share with you. It’s that important.
Before I go any further, understand that I’ve been in YOUR shoes myself… So believe me when I say:
I know what it’s like lying awake for countless nights, unable to get rid of the repulsive thoughts of where your lover has been, who they might be with and even worse…. the intimate possibilities that run RAMPANT behind your back.
I know what it’s like to go weeks (even months!) on end without intimacy, feeling starved of affection.
I know what it’s like to go weeks (even months!) on end without intimacy, feeling starved of affection. The lack of communication is devastating … as if a coldness has swept over your entire relationship …feeling disconnected and wondering “Do they even care?”
I know how excruciating it is to carry this emotional burden all day, while things continue to get worse, at home, at work, with associates, family and friends, everywhere you go, you can’t seem to escape the fear, pain, and anger of your nagging suspicion…It’s absolute EMOTIONAL TORTURE …
If and when you have found yourself in the position where you think your spouse may be cheating on you, you need to find out what is going on.
You need to learn what they’ve been doing, when they’ve been doing it, who they’ve been doing it with and how long it has been going on. You need to see proof with your own eyes. The doubt—the not knowing—is what will eat you alive if you don’t verify what your gut is telling you.
The doubt—the not knowing—is what will eat you alive if you don’t verify what your gut is telling you.
You have to be careful in how you go about a serious task like this, though. Whether you are right or wrong about your partner’s unfaithfulness, one thing is for sure, the decisions you make, the actions you take (or don’t take) will most likely have consequences which will effect the direction and course of the rest of your life.
Before we go any further, you have to ask yourself these questions:
- What , specifically has led you to believe that something fishy is going on?
- How long have you been suspicious that something is going on?
- What have you done so far to try and address and/or correct the problem?
- How much would you say the situation (whether your suspicions are true or not) has cost you so far? Emotionally? Financially? Physically?
- More importantly, how much will it cost from here on out if you don’t take some decisive action based on accurate information?
Whether your partner has just started having an affair, has been having an affair for awhile, or has just ended an affair, it doesn’t matter. You need the solid evidence that will leave no room for excuses or alibis.
Based on our experience in this business, we are so confident in our abilities to find out the truth in these kinds of matters that we have become the only private investigation company that we know of that offers a full, 100% Guarantee:
I realize that’s a bold claim, but it’s absolutely true. We can discover the truth more quickly and accurately than you may have ever imagined…and here’s why:
- Our methods have been learned through years of concentrated work in this field. We deal with the cheating mind every day . We’ve dealt with every breed of cheater. Not only that, we are objective enough to stay calm, experienced enough to keep a step ahead, yet passionate enough to stay on the path until we find out what we’re after.
- We’ve got the best and most effective equipment available to get the job done…And we know how and when to use it. We’ve got it all…the covert cameras, the long distance scopes, the GPS trackers and some things you’ve probably never have or never will hear of.
We are the only private investigation company in Ohio to utilize 3 rd Generation night vision scopes on our cameras.
We are the only private investigation company in Ohio to utilize 3 rd Generation night vision scopes on our cameras. Why would that be important to you? How much value will it be to you to be able to tell your cheating spouse that your private investigator saw them doing the act, when had the investigator been better equipped, you could show them (Not to mention the value of video as leverage when put forth as a bargaining chip in later negotiations).
Oftentimes, people will try to be their own private investigators and sometimes this pays off. But I would submit to you that in most cases, this is not a wise approach for several reasons.
Your present state of mind—As mentioned earlier, if you are at all human, you are probably not entirely on top of your game, mentally or emotionally. Your nerves are frayed and raw. You’re probably on the verge of exhaustion. Your diet is probably not the most nutritious. And most importantly, your mind is stuck on an endless looping track, mulling over the whole situation you’ve become a victim of. You’re too close to the action to see it objectively enough to take the most effective action.
Your perspective of the situation is most-likely so warped by your raw nerves that you are bound to unnecessarily over-analyze some things, while missing other key clues or critical indicators.
Keep your mind on what it is you are after here—knowing what is going on in the situation …not just in your gut…not with any degree of doubt—but knowing because you have seen the proof with your own eyes. You are after concrete, documented proof that will demolish the web of lies and deceit your spouse has become so good at spinning around you.
Never come out and ask your spouse if they are cheating without any evidence . They must be caught with solid evidence that they can’t lie their way out of before you confront them. If you ask them but they know you aren’t quite sure then it makes it easier for them to lie. Not only that, but once your spouse is aware you are onto them, they will be more careful from that point on, and this will make it much more difficult for you to gather hard evidence.
Know your facts 100% and have concrete proof before you make accusations. Otherwise you can do more damage than good.
DEEP DOWN INSIDE … you know you need the TRUTH for any HEALTHY relationship
Don’t read any further and leave this page right now if you aren’t willing to demand respect for yourself… because DEEP DOWN INSIDE … you know you need the TRUTH for any HEALTHY relationship, even if it’s one you want to save. You’re doing yourself a major disservice by being treated like a doormat.DO NOT expect a cheater to come clean, they simply will hurt you further if you stay passive… I’ve seen enough cases!
I’ve been that scared “whipped” spouse and it was sickening because the cycle ANNIHILATES your self-assurance subconsciously. This creates a tremendous cost on your emotional, social, and even physical health later. Do something about it.
Be Wary of Do-it-yourself “Catch Cheaters” tools you find on the Internet
Yes, I’ve seen them all—as well as the sometimes disastrous results of people who have tried “private eye” tools, and amateur surveillance equipment. The risk of getting caught using these types of methods when you don’t know what you’re doing is just too great.
Trust me, most of these take a significant learning curve to execute the “remote monitoring” or “evidence extraction” in a non-risky manner. That’s why real, QUALITY private investigators charge thousands for their services. Do you have the time to waste or can you afford the risk of getting caught.
That’s what I call “playing Russian roulette with your life”
Every time you accidentally “freak out” on suspicious emotions, you’re partner will sense these and greatly tighten up his or her “clean up” act. This makes your job twice as hard.They know you have suspicions now….. and their manipulations will get stronger to deflect your attention….… and it strangles an otherwise-good relationship if your suspicions are wrong.
The key is to make your partner feel so confident that they can get away with cheating … as if you are ignorant and naive of your own traps that you will set for them!
Only by uncovering the truth completely, can you proceed with options such as deciding to break up or salvage the relationship or marriage… BUT without the TRUTH first, you can’t make this decision accurately at all!
Find a trustworthy confidant that you can vent your feelings with. Actually, the best option here is to find yourself a competent, professional counselor. A third party person, unrelated to either you or your spouse who you can talk openly with about your situation, your fears, your concerns as well as any physical symptoms you may be suffering from during this strenuous challenge. I know everyone doesn’t have access to or can’t afford a counselor, but in many cases, work benefits will cover the cost of at least a dozen or so visits.
The point is, you have to sort out what is going on in your life with a trustworthy sounding board. Many of the things cheating spouses actually do are so astonishing that a normal mind will have trouble processing the event, especially when the wrong-doer is someone you thought you knew and understood so well.
If you…
- Want to know the truth about what your spouse is up to
- Are sick and tired of feeling like a fool and being walked all over
- Are frustrated about how much thankless work you’ve put into trying to make your situation work
I know what it takes to catch even the most difficult cheats, and I’ve seen first hand what works.
Here’s what it really takes to TRANSFORM your life and get IMMEDIATE results.
I know what it takes to catch even the most difficult cheats, and I’ve seen first hand what works.
What do you have to lose? If you aren’t 100% happy with our investigation, I don’t even want your money. To put all the risk on my shoulders, I’m offering something unheard of in the private investigations industry:
So what’s the catch?

You not only have to actually take action to get the results you’re after, but you have to know what action to take and how to take it. Not only that. You have to know what actions not to take (You know, the ones that can either blow all other chances of finding out the truth or worse yet, land you in jail for something illegal).
In many cases, people simply don’t have the emotional strength to even want to know the truth. They give up and feel sorry for themselves and continue being walked over like a door mat…rather than taking control of the situation by hiring a professional who will quickly and concretely expose their lover’s filthy affair for all it is.
If you really want a healthy and fulfilling life…if you want to turn the corner in your life and transform yourself from being the victim to being on offense, then there is no doubt in my mind that we can help you do just that.
You can’t afford to be wrong! You have to know 100% if your spouse is having an affair. Just because your spouse is working late doesn’t mean that they are cheating. Until you have evidence that your spouse isn’t actually at work when they say they are, you are no closer to finding out. It is not enough on its own to suspect your spouse of cheating. You need proof , and that is what we will give you.
A 100% Guarantee!

If our services don’t quickly and easily find out the truth about your lover – if it isn’t the most foolproof, hassle-free method you’ve experienced – then I don’t want your money.
That’s how confident I am with this system’s ease and power to uncover the WHOLE TRUTH for you.
Now, this is not to say we are the cheapest investigators in town. In fact, we are probably on the higher end, price-wise. 90% of our business is referral-driven. I believe there is a reason for that, though. We have a step-by-step process in our business which is predictable and gets results. That’s why our clients use us and refer us.
Clients generally walk into our offices for initial consultations distraught, shell-shocked and confused. In most cases, when we first meet them, they are mere victims, depressed and being taken advantange of.
After hiring us, they put themselves on the side of the angels. Instantly, they are no longer victims, but now are taking control of the situation. They are now on offense, responsibly and confidently moving forward with their lives, on their way to finding out the truth which will allow them to correctly and effectively make the critical decisions which will affect not only their lives but those of the people around them.
I’ll Personally Make Sure You Get The Truth And Concrete Evidence as quickly and effortlessly as possible, As If Your Trouble Happened To Me. I’m That Serious.
Please give me a call. I would be interested in discussing your case with you to see if we can be of assistance. My office number is 216-221-1000. My secretary, Chris, usually answers the phones between 7am and 3pm. If I’m not in our offices, she can usually forward the call to my cell phone. Other times, the calls are forwarded to my cell and I answer them when I can. In any case, I am militant about returning phone calls within a business day, so if you leave a message, I will call you back promptly (usually within an hour).
Paul Baeppler
P.S. You have nothing to lose. Remember, you are backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee, so if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, we will issue a full refund.